Human Capital (Bad Breeding album)
Exhibition "Bad Breeding" @ Zagreb Anarchist Book Fair, Youth Center Ribnjak, Zagreb (2024)
Series of works, photos documenting graffiti created at the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024. It is a journey of black and white landscapes of abandoned city areas, Zagreb squats and Istrian former barracks (Capes Muzil and Marlera) where art meets political philosophy, and the anarchic spirit of the punk scene hits the core of the urban peripheries. This series of graffiti photos is inspired by the lyrics of the anarcho-punk band Bad Breeding, specifically their album Human Capital from 2022. Graffiti has always been an expression of rebellion, and here they rise to the level of artistic appropriation. I use abandoned city zones as my canvas, creating a space where the marginalized meets art and politics freely dances with philosophy. Photographs become a witness to this union, retaining the power and spirit of a moment that would otherwise be fleeting. Marginal city zones become an inexhaustible source of inspiration, and through the lens of the camera, they become stories that demand to be told. These photographs are not only documentation of urban oblivion, but also raise the question of how we can reinterpret and redefine our surroundings. Empty walls become manifestos, and graffiti become silent guides through the labyrinth of abandoned areas of the city. Bad Breeding's texts, composed of anarchist words and politically charged verses, become words that revive the gray landscape of cities. The appropriation of these texts on the walls of abandoned spaces not only challenges the traditional understanding of graffiti, but also creates a powerful dialogue between music, visual art and the urban environment. The result is a sumptuous fabric that reflects the dynamics between the individual and society, freedom and repression, chaos and order. These works also emphasize the power of photography as an artistic medium. Each picture is not only a story, but also an invitation to reflection. Photography becomes a witness of a moment, but at the same time a window of infinite interpretation. Through the lens, I share not only images, but also emotions, attitudes and the provoking spirit of the times we live in. Finally, these works invite us to think about the boundaries between art and text, graffiti and photography, anarchism and politics. Through their raw beauty and simultaneous brutality, they pervade the space of contemporary art where different dimensions of creativity, rebellion and expression unquestionably come together. This series of photographs makes us wonder how free expression really is, how deeply the roots of anarchism permeate the fabric of our reality.